Homemade is a platform that helps parents who want to push themselves and their children towards a healthier lifestyle, by providing them with consumer-led, fun and immersive content aimed at learning about healthy eating.
It's an academic project created with the prompt "How can the concept of share economy aid in tackling child malnutrition?", looking at content co-creation and collaborative learning as facets of the share economy.

The logo and colour scheme were inspired by the concept of healthy eating, I needed something that sent that message across while also giving people an idea of what the service actually does.
It’s a combination of a carrot, a house and a play button representing the service’s aim of introducing people to healthy eating through homemade video content.
The brand name is also a play on the idea of homemade recipes generally being healthier and home-videos being more genuine than over-produced content.  

The website was intentionally minimalist, focusing mostly on the video content and viewer comments. 
I wanted something that was easy to understand and use for people of all ages, avoiding clutter and letting the users easily take control of the website.

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